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Great Reads for Good Food

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Want to Help Out with the COVID-19 Crisis? Volunteer for a Vaccine Trial

All of the eyes of the world are on the medical community as scientists race to find a vaccine to prevent the COVID-19 virus from taking hold. Bringing a vaccine to market is not an easy task. In addit...

Is There a COVID-19 Vaccine on the Horizon? What You Need to Know Now

You do not have to be following the news closely to know that one of the leading headlines this week is the impending arrival of a COVID-19 vaccine. While there has been no vaccine that has moved past the...

How to Cope With the Stress of Civil Unrest

In mid-2020, protests about the deaths of African Americans were organized by Black Lives Matter groups across the United States. Other groups protested local and state mandates around wearing masks as a safeguard against COVID-19....

The COVID-19 Virus is Mutating, Causing Concern in the Medical Community

While there is much hope on the horizon because of the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, the news of the new mutations of the virus is certainly causing concern in medical circles. You are not alone if...

One Year Since the Pandemic Began. What Do We Know Now That We Didn't Then?

It has officially been one year since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 global pandemic. Since that time, the world has been turned upside-down with over 2.6 million deaths a...

How to Manage Anxiety After Social Distancing for a Year

After nearly 18 months of social distancing, people are finally feeling more comfortable leaving their homes and joining their friends and extended family members. People are also doing more activities in person, such ...

Best Foods to Eat if You Are Looking to Boost Your Bone Health

As people retreat indoors during the coldest days of the winter, it is no surprise to learn that vitamin D production is suffering. This vitamin is made when the body is exposed to sunlight. Without this amp...

Thinking of Going Vegan? Here Are the Best Ways to Adopt This Lifestyle

Roughly 3% of Americans identify as vegan. As this lifestyle grows in popularity, more and more people are deciding to take the plunge. If you have made the decision to adopt this way of eating, ...

Why You Should Make Fermented Foods a Cornerstone of Your Daily Diet

An increasing amount of research is pointing to fermented foods as being instrumental in promoting optimal gut health. Why do you need to support a well-functioning gut and what are the best foods to a...